Fisher Catalog Number: NC0841570
Product Description
This patented pressure reactor (12 mL) is an affordable alternative for a Microwave Synthesizer. The set contains all items needed for immediately use, including twenty-five sets of Pressure Tube-12mL and Septa-12-High, 1 Q-Block-12mL. Max pressure: 180psi.
The heating source will be your own hotplate/stirrer.
1 set/pk
 Low-Expansion borosilicate Glass. Pressure rating: 500 psi at 150 °C.
OD: 16.50mm (will not fit into Q-Block-12, Q-Block-P12)
25 sets of tubes and septa-12-Low/box. $150.00 |  Septa-12mL 100/pack $115.00 |
 Stir Bar-12 mL 10/pack $17.00 |  Needle - 1 12/pack $72.00 |